
SH24 isn’t only about building a digital solution to deliver sexual and reproductive health services. It is underpinned by four workstreams (service development, governance, business modeling and evaluation) to ensure SH24 is a seamless end-to-end service for users: from digital device to clinic.

SH24 consists of four minimum viable products (MVPs) delivered over four years and its workstreams run throughout and involve the full range of partners required to make SH24 a success.

An SH24 director leads each workstream and the programme director and project manger are responsible for their delivery. Whilst the workstreams have distinct remits they are highly dependent on one another.

The service development workstream incorporates both IT systems as well as the wider network of people, information and physical touchpoints that make up SH24. Underpinned by an agile, iterative and design-led approach, service development is deeply connected to the other workstreams ensuring that SH24 is embedded in a user-centred and well designed service.

The governance workstream is the glue that provides the overarching infrastructure for SH24, guaranteeing it is effectively managed and harnesses expertise and input from key stakeholders. The governance structure consists of an advisory board and operating board.

The business modelling workstream ensures that the SH24 model for sexual health provision is sustainable and is integrated into the local sexual health economy. Work is underway to create an agreement with commissioners to support future delivery of SH24 and demonstrate the savings it can potentially create.

The evaluation workstream is informing the on-going implementation of SH24, ultimately measuring its impact on the sexual health of local people. The evaluation is being delivered through a partnership between Kings College London, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of Bristol.