service design

Meet the team: Mollie

Mollie Courtenay is our service designer and researcher. She divides her time between SH:24 and Mindwave Ventures (doing some very cool projects in mental health, check them out). She's been with SH:24 since its early days and has seen lots of changes and achievements - let's get to know her a bit better...

Contraception to your door

Just in time for Christmas US company, Nurx, launched an app dubbed the ‘Uber of contraception’ (or birth control, as they call it over there). In a country where womens’ reproductive health services have been somewhat under attack, the app has been heralded as a cost-effective solution to the lengthy process of getting contraception in the States. Here in the UK we're developing our very own online contraception service.

Communicating contraceptive choice

We’re having a little fanfare moment today as our contraception information and support pages have this week gone live. To put in context why we’ve done this work, we invited King’s College Hospital’s HIV, sexual health and contraception doctor, Dr. Verity Sullivan to write this week’s blog on her experiences with working with women and contraception...